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How to Plan and Start a Simple Herb and Veggie Garden for your Home


Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Growing your own herb and veggie garden has many benefits both for you and the planet. If you’re looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle whilst also improving your health then growing your own food is a must.

The good news is that anyone can do it and you don’t need to have a huge garden or outside space. If you’re new to gardening then you can find all of the information you need either online, in gardening books or by asking gardening experts.

Why Grow Your Own Herb and Veggie Garden?

Some of the benefits of growing your own food include:

A cheap and easy way to reduce your food costs each month

Easy and cheaper way to provide fresh organic nutrients for your family

Supports a sustainable lifestyle

Supports healthy eating

Reduces food waste

A great hobby which helps improve your mental health

An easy way to connect with nature on a daily basis

‘’Staying close to the soil is good for the soul’’ Spencer W. Kimball

Do Your Research

Before you begin with your herb and veggie garden you first need to do your research. Different herbs and vegetables require different things so you need to get familiar with each one so you can give it the best possible chance of survival.

This is particularly important for herbs as different herbs require different levels of sunshine, shade and water. It’s also important to consider what grows well in your area. You can find this out by doing your research either online or with books.

A lot of people skip the research part and just jump right in which often leads to disappointment. Save yourself the time and stress by gaining knowledge before you begin. Trust us it’s worth it.

Create A Plan

It’s always advisable to have a robust plan in place before you begin your new herb and veggie garden. Assess how much space you have to work with whilst also taking into account how much space each plant needs to flourish. This will vary depending on the plant.

Once you know these two things you can create your vegetable garden layout. There are lots of garden layout plans online so it’s worth having a look to see if you can find one that fits your space.

Small Vegetable Garden Layout?

If you have a very small space then consider having a potted herb and veggie garden. For really small areas a vertical garden may be a good option for you or maybe just microgreens. As long as you can get hold of soil or water (hydroponics) and place it in some kind of container you can grow your own food.

Choose Your Herbs & Vegetables Wisely

As mentioned before it’s incredibly important to pick herbs and vegetables that grow well in your area. Alongside that it’s also important to grow things you actually eat. It may sound silly but so many people get over enthusiastic with their growing and grow anything and everything without giving any consideration as to whether they actually like the food!

Reduce Your Food Waste

One of the main benefits of growing your own food is so you can reduce your food waste so only grow foods you will use. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations over ⅓ of the food we produce globally goes to waste. Anything we can do as individuals to reduce that number is a positive step forward.

Easy To Grow Herbs For Beginners

To make your life easier start with easy-to-grow herbs, once you’ve mastered those you can then move onto more advanced plants.

Here are some examples of easy-to-grow herbs that you may wish to start with:







Edible Flowers




Please bear in mind that it does depend on where you are in the world so always research the best herbs to grow in your area.

Easy To Grow Vegetables For Beginners

The same as herbs there are easy to grow vegetables and vegetables that require more maintenance. Here are some common easy-to-grow vegetables to get you started:





Runner beans


Collard Greens




Nurture Your Plants

Just like humans plants need to be nurtured to help them thrive and grow. Make a conscious effort to check on your plants daily for moisture and to make sure they’re looking healthy and not being attacked by pests. Saying that though it’s also important to remember that if your plants are not being eaten by pests then your garden isn’t part of the ecosystem. This is where natural and organic gardening and pest control methods come into play.

Organic Gardening Tips

Improve Your Soil

The top tip for organic gardening success is to improve your soil. The better the soil the healthier your plants will be. To improve your soil add garden compost, worm castings, or compost tea; and to reduce moisture loss add mulch or dried leaves to the top of your soil beds. The bulkiness of these items will improve drainage and allow dryer soil to retain nutrients and moisture.

Use Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides

To ensure your plants aren’t harming the environment only use organic fertilizer's and pesticides, such as worm castings, compost tea, or pure diluted neem oil to keep some pests at bay. You can also try companion planting certain plants near pest sensitive plants that help repel insects and pests. Not only is this better for the planet and eco-system it’s also better for you as you won’t be consuming harmful chemicals when you eat your plants. For more information on alternative fertilizers and pesticides, check out this blog on "Safe Roundup Alternatives."

Make Your Own Compost

Instead of throwing away your food peelings, old flowers, pruning's, newspaper and cardboard use them to create your own compost. Find a suitable container, purchase a compost bin or make a container from old wooden pallets. The key with creating good compost is to have a good mix of green and brown material. Opt for the largest compost bin you can fit in your garden. If you have a small garden or no garden try a compact worm bin.

Be Patient and Enjoy The Process

‘’I grow plants for many reasons: to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty, or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow’’

David Hobson

Growing your own food garden takes time and effort. Be patient with your plants and they will reward you. Don’t expect results overnight and enjoy the process of helping them grow.

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